
7 days “Chingona” challenge

Day 1 – Core
– Breakfast
– Lunch – Ceviche
– Dinner

Day 2 – Lower Body
– Breakfast
– Lunch
– Dinner

Day 3 – Abs and booty
– Breakfast
– Lunch
– Dinner

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Foods and Nutrition

How to cook Green Enchiladas?

ENCHILADAS * * PREP 10mins * COOK 30mins * TOTAL 40mins These green chicken enchiladas with salsa verde, chicken, sour cream, cheese and cilantro are simple to make. Salsa verde is a green tomatillo salsa made with garlic, onion and peppers. You can make it yourself (see our homemade salsa verde recipe) or buy it from the store. There are some great options. Look for a salsa with medium heat. Makes 4 Servings YOU WILL NEED 1 teaspoon neutral flavored oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 cups (16 ounces) salsa verde, store-bought or try our roasted salsa verde recipe 1/2 cup sour cream 1/4 cup cilantro leaves and tender stems, chopped, plus more for serving 2 cups shredded cooked chicken, see how we make shredded chicken 1 cup shredded cheddar, Monterey Jack or Mexican cheese blend 6 (6-inch) flour or corn tortillas, see notes

Foods and Nutrition

How to make Ceviche? recipe !!

Cooking with lorena kichik Shooting my ceviche recipe yummy 😋 ingredients 1. ½ a red onion, very thinly sliced 2. 1 pound fresh shrimp diced into 1/2 inch cubes. 3. 2–3 garlic cloves very finely minced ( use a garlic press) 4. 1– 1 ½ teaspoon kosher salt, start with 1, add more to taste 5. ¼ teaspoon black pepper 6. ¼–½  cup fresh cilantro chopped 7. 1 fresh serrano or jalapeño chili pepper seeded and very finely chopped. Start conservatively, more to taste. 8. ¾ cup fresh lime juice ( 4–6 limes) freshly squeezed ( try to use ripe limes) 9. 1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half  ( or 1 cup diced tomatoes) 10. 1 cup diced cucumber 11. 1 tablespoon olive oil (optional) 12. 1 semi-firm Avocado, diced, as garnish, optional


Los mejores ejercicios para eliminar la grasa del muslo externo

Tanto si eres de las que se cuidan durante todo el año o solo los meses previos al verano, todas tenemos en común que las piernas son la parte del cuerpo que más nos cuesta trabajar. Muchas de nosotras dejamos el ejercicio para “mañana”, pasando así semanas y abandonándolas poco a poco.

Si estás cansada de los ejercicios clásicos y eternos de las sentadillas y zancadas, hoy es tu día de suerte. Pues te traemos nuevos ejercicios. Estos ejercicios que trabajan el muslo externo, seguramente no los conoces y, aunque parecen difíciles de hacer, son más simples de lo que crees.

Como verás más adelante, lo más importante son las repeticiones y el tiempo de cada ejercicio por tal de fatigar los músculos del muslo de cada pierna; razón por la que no vas a cambiar de lado tras cada ejercicio.

Puedes hacer todos estos ejercicios usando tu propio peso,pero debes hacer fuerza con tus piernas, glúteos y abdominales para crear tu propia resistencia. Si no, ve un paso más allá, y lígate una cinta de resistencia alrededor de tus rodillas. Para ligarte bien la cinta, debes estar de pie con las piernas un poco separadas y ligarla justamente por encima de tus rodillas. Ten en cuenta que la cinta debe estar un poco tensa. Y sobretodo, ve despacio porque si vas rápido haciendo las repeticiones, no vas a ver los resultados.


Ejercicios para tonificar piernas y glúteos

¿Quieres unas piernas y unos glúteos tonificados?

El circuito es de 6 ejercicios, en donde trabajaras tanto piernas como glúteos de una manera diferente. Practicar este tipo de rutina te beneficiará en:

  • Ganar masa muscular en el tren inferior.
  • Favorecerán a la liberación hormonal post-entrenamiento.
  • Entrenar piernas y glúteos te aportara beneficios en el rendimiento atlético.

Este circuito está pensado para que lo puedas hacer 2 o 3 veces por semana, pero sobre todo que no sean días consecutivos.

Te dejamos una pequeña descripción de este circuito, además de la tabla correspondiente al vídeo.

  1. Para empezar la rutina debes hacer sentadillas, 20 repeticiones.
  2. El segundo ejercicio consiste en hacer zancadas, 30 repeticiones.
  3. En el tercer ejercicio debes hacer extensiones de los gemelos, 40 repeticiones.
  4. Seguidamente de sentadillas en la pared, deberás aguantar unos 50 segundos.
  5. Para el quinto ejercicio haces saltos de estrella, 100 repeticiones.
  6. En el sexto ejercicio volverás a repetir las sentadillas en la pared, aguantaras 50 segundos igual.
  7. El séptimo ejercicio consiste en hacer elevaciones de la pierna, debes hacer 40 repeticiones para cada pierna.
  8. En el ejercicio número ocho haces elevaciones de cadera, 30 repeticiones.
  9. En el último ejercicio volverás a repetir las sentadillas del primer ejercicio, 20 repeticiones.

Debes descansar entre 20 y 40 segundos entre cada ejercicio y, si al acabar aún tienes fuerzas ¡repítelo! ¡A tope!


4 Core Exercises For Pull-Up Strength For Women

Many athletic women have a pull-up on their training bucket list. Pull-ups are more difficult for women as they generally have more muscle mass on their lower body in proportion to their upper body and thus more weight to lift. However, with the correct progression exercises and dedication, all women who have a healthy BMI are capable of performing a pull-up.

Strengthening the core is essential for optimal training function and to mitigate the risk of muscular imbalances and injury. Weakness through the upper body in women is generally due to undeveloped core muscles, meaning they can’t maintain posture or base. Women who have had babies in particular are susceptible as the abdominal muscles become stretched during pregnancy. Focusing on strengthening the core increases all aspects of upper and lower body strength.

In my previous articles, I touched on the importance of a strong core for upper body strength used for framing and pushing and for building lower body strength for performing deadlifts and squatsThis article is focused on strengthening the core in order to perform pull-ups safely and correctly.

4 Core Exercises for Pull-Up Strength for Women

Most people assume that pull-ups are about all about arm strength, but the power for the pull-up comes from your back and core. The latissimus dorsi (lats) are a big, strong muscle group involved in the initiation of a pull-up. If you get the lats super strong along with your core or transverse abdominis to create a strong frame, then you will be more likely achieve a successful pull-up with awesome form.

The exercises below are simple and extremely effective at building core strength through the transverse abs and the lats. Although the focus of this article is these two muscle groups, the movement of the pull-up also involves other main muscle groups such as the biceps and the rhomboids. Grip strength also cannot be overlooked.

Let’s get started.

1. Medicine Ball Rollouts On Knees

Working from the knees is a good introductory exercise to develop the lat and core strength without putting too much strain on the lower back. Throughout the movement, aim to keep a straight shape, from your head to your knees.

  • Start on your knees with the ball on your forearms and your arms tucked into your chest while keeping your transverse abs braced the entire time.
  • Avoid a ‘banana back’ as you roll the ball out.
  • Avoid sticking your butt out as you roll the ball back in. You will notice maximum pressure on your transverse abs when your shoulders are fully flexed and elbows are fully extended.
  • To roll the ball back in, engage your lats in the same way as you would engage them to initiate and perform a pull up.
  • Try to maintain the straight shape and aim for 15 repetitions.

How To Intensify Your At-Home Bodyweight Workout

It’s more important than ever to understand how to adapt your training to keep getting results.

The answer is- Yes. Can you continue getting consistent results? Yes, assuming you understand some key intensity strategies to implement progressive overload effectively. In this post, we’ll be giving you the six key ways to keep getting results from the comfort of your home using simple intensity adjustments.

First of all, it’s essential to understand that you can make serious gains just using your bodyweight.

While it’s contrary to a lot of popular fitness culture, the gym isn’t the only place where you can lose weight, build muscle, and improve your performance. Here’s a quick run-through of how you can use bodyweight training as a critical component of your fitness goal.

Is Your Goal Weight Loss?

If your chief fitness goal is to lose weight, your primary focus should be on creating an energy deficit – meaning that you are expending more energy than you are intaking. Creating an energy deficit is typically done through caloric restriction and increased physical activity.

Whether you’re increasing your physical activity during gym sessions or home workouts, what matters is that you’re moving and pushing yourself regularly